The small flour milling machines are mainly for independent use, it can also be used in a small plant. The grains that can be processed are wheat, corn, and rice.
This flour milling machine is our base model, however, it is very efficient. It has a compact structure, good appearance.
Our flour grinders have the advantage of operating with lower energy consumption, low noise, good performance and high efficiency. Its use is too simple, it does not require a specialist to handle it.
You can make your own mill for grains and cereals with very little money, and in a matter of a short time sell your raw material with a lot of added value to your customers, including taking it to the shelves of supermarkets and bakeries.
Technical specifications:
Model: MKFY-40
Power: 11 kW
Capacity: 880 lbs/hr
Dimensions: 52 x 30 x 57 inches
Weight: 1320 lbs
PRICE: USD $ 4,601.00
Contact phone: +17862315206 Ext: 103
Contact Email: egonzalez@meelko.com
Whatsapp Meelko phone: +17862168098