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Spacious First Floor Apartment

For rent in Woodhull (Locality)
3 Blocks
1 habs
1 bathrooms
Air conditioning
Last update 216 days ago


Spacious First Floor Apartment With Its Private Entrance. The Kitchen Has Great Storage And Has Been Nicely Updated With White Shaker Cabinetry And Beautiful Quartz Countertops. Convenient Location Close To Heckscher Park, Shops And LIRR. 196 Woodhull Rd, Huntington, NY Spacious First Floor Apartmen
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Address Exact: 196 Woodhull Rd, Huntington, NY 11743, USA

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Key Steps for creating a first-party data strategy
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First-Party Data Collection Strategies
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Zero-Party Data to Drive Customer Success
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MKBC06. briquettes or solid fuel block  bio-fuels
The briquette produced by Meelko is of higher quality and so strong that it does not break easily. Meanwhile, it is easy to ignite for combustion, does not produce odor and has longer duration when it burns. Some benefits of Meelko machinery: • Comfort: Meelko devices guarantee optimal efficiency with high quality. • Optimization of resources • Experience, with more than 20 years in the market we not only offer a great quality of service, we also have credibility and advanced knowledge in the area. • Security, our devices are designed to provide the operator with the highest level of security. The process flow for the preparation of the briquettes is as follows: Raw Material → Grinding → Mixing with binder → Conveyor up to carbon press → Dryer (Not available) → Packaging (Not available) → Storage Four Double Rollers, Pressing the briquettes can provide a higher pressure and greater intensity during the production of briquettes; It is mainly used in the production of briquettes of plant material, coke, anthracite and various types of mineral / ore powder. This type of briquette press has two large rollers in a fixed position on its bearings, the other two smaller rollers are movable. As its name implies, it has four rollers and the briquette press, agglutinates twice, making briquettes stronger and with higher density. Technical specifications: Model: MKBC06 Power: 11 - 18kW Capacity: 6 Ton/hr Dimensions: 66 x 66 x 85 inches Weight: 4180 lbs Contact phone: +17862315206 Ext: 103 Contact Email: Whatsapp Meelko phone: +17862168098
Meelko oil --presses
The small flour milling machines are mainly for independent use, it can also be used in a small plant. The grains that can be processed are wheat, corn, and rice. This flour milling machine is our base model, however, it is very efficient. It has a compact structure, good appearance. Our flour grinders have the advantage of operating with lower energy consumption, low noise, good performance and high efficiency. Its use is too simple, it does not require a specialist to handle it. You can make your own mill for grains and cereals with very little money, and in a matter of a short time sell your raw material with a lot of added value to your customers, including taking it to the shelves of supermarkets and bakeries. Technical specifications: Model: MKFY-40 Power: 11 kW Capacity: 880 lbs/hr Dimensions: 52 x 30 x 57 inches Weight: 1320 lbs PRICE: USD $ 4,601.00 Contact phone: +17862315206 Ext: 103 Contact Email: Whatsapp Meelko phone: +17862168098
Ebook FREE The Word of the Stars
The Word of the Stars to the Person,the Microcosm, and His Soul. Why is there a material cosmos with its countless stars and planetary constellations, and what do they have to do with human beings and their souls? An explanation of the cosmic correlations is given by Gabriele as a companion text to the book, “The Speaking All-Unity. The Word of the Universal Creator Spirit.” Are we aware that the material macrocosm is the memory bank for human beings, because the small world of each one is stored there as an image? From a scientific viewpoint no energy is lost. Whatever enery each person emits – whether positive or negative – will come back to him. Consequently, the echo in the human being, what has to do with him, is the word of the stars … the inputs, which each person stores in the corresponding planetary, that is, star constellations, and which, are, in turn, sent back to him in segments. Help from the world of the stars! Free download
meelko ---flour mill
This flour milling machine is our base model, however, it is very efficient. It has a compact structure, good appearance. Our flour grinders have the benefit of operating with lower energy consumption, low noise, good performance and high efficiency. Its use is too simple, it does not require a specialist to handle it. Technical specifications: Model: MKFY-50 Power: 15 kW Capacity: 1100 lbs/hr Dimensions: 58 x 32 x 59 Weight: 1782 PRICE: USD $ 5,533.60 Contact phone: +17862315206 Ext: 103 Contact Email: Whatsapp Meelko phone: +17862168098
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The use of oils dates back thousands of years, their applications are many and the way of extracting them is varied, however, the experience has made us evolve technologically and nowadays we are able to build machinery that facilitates oil extraction work , specifically we mention the oil presses. In the market there are several brands, however, Meelko stands out for its experience and credibility, as well as its high quality in machinery. Our oil press machines are capable of processing various types of oil seeds such as hemp, soybean, sunflower, jatropha, neem, flax, cotton, sesame, peanut, linseed, among others. The Meelko oil presses are characterized by having a smooth cover, which gives greater ease of operation and improves the maintenance process. They have an adequate width and the performance is optimized. Hemp seeds are a great source of protein, since more than 25% of their total calories come from high quality proteins. Hemp or hemp seeds are also a great source of vitamin E and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron and zinc. With the Meelko oil presses, it can produce high quality hemp oil, which as we have mentioned is very healthy and has been used as food and medicine in Asia for at least 3,000 years. Meelko oil presses are ideal for anyone who wants to produce their own seed-based oil plant, can also make oils for biofuels, cooking culinary arts or direct consumption. The Meelko oil press is designed to be reliable, durable, compact and efficient. Technical specifications: Model: MKOP-68 Power: 5.5 kW Capacity: 66 - 88 lbs/hr Dimensions: 37 x 16 x 30 inches Weight: 300 lbs Price: USD $ 2,500.00 Shipping: USD $ 175.00 Contact phone: +17862315206 Ext: 103 Contact Email: Whatsapp Meelko phone: +17862168098
meelko flour---- mill
The small flour milling machines are mainly for independent use, it can also be used in a small plant. The grains that can be processed are wheat, corn, and rice. This flour milling machine is our base model, however, it is very efficient. It has a compact structure, good appearance. Our flour grinders have the advantage of operating with lower energy consumption, low noise, good performance and high efficiency. Its use is too simple, it does not require a specialist to handle it. Technical specifications: Model: MKFY-60 Power: 22 kW Capacity: 1320 lbs/hr Dimensions: 58 x 34 x 63 Weight: 2046 lbs PRICE: USD $ 7,555.20 Contact phone: +17862315206 Ext: 103 Contact Email: Whatsapp Meelko phone: +17862168098

Spacious First Floor Apartment 🦛 - Anuto Marketplace

Spacious First Floor Apartment With Its Private Entrance. The Kitchen Has Great Storage And Has Been Nicely Updated With White Shaker Cabinetry And Beautiful

Spacious First Floor Apartment is a free classified ad in the Housing section in Woodhull (Locality), and more specifically, the category is Apartments in Woodhull (Locality)

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